Yes, shark finning is happening on Mabul island as resorts are being built non-stop on Mabul and Kapalai for the tourist dollar. In this time of economic crisis, we divers should vote with our money in protecting the sharks from areas that are deemed protected, yet not. Mabul/Kapalai are not part of any marine protected area, but there is a park fee for diving in Sipadan. This fee goes to Sabah Parks, presumably for the protection of Sipadan.
The finners come from a fishing village on the island of Mabul and not attached to the resorts in any way. However, the resorts hire their staff from the islanders, and we are contributing to the resorts. What is the point of paying RM40 to protect Sipadan if the outlying areas will be decimated? At 120 divers per 1/2 day (240 per day), RM9600 a day is being given to Sabah park for the maintenance of the rest area and toilets?
We fully understand that the fishermen are autonomous and deserve the right to make a living. However, when they are making a living on an unsustainable resource, in an area where we tourists pay money to go to see that same particular resource, then the authorities have to decide whether to attract tourism or accede to a short term gain by 5 fishermen.
If the resorts are not contributing to the local community, being via employment, schools or other benefits, then they are also limited in their outlook for the future of tourism in the Ligitan Island group. As diving tourists, why should we contribute to the decline of a beautiful area by supporting the resorts which do not protect their own resources?
In conclusion, we strongly urge the resorts to campaign Sabah Parks to prohibit shark finning in the Ligitan island group area. If the area is not protected, we will choose to dive in other areas of South East Asia where the marine life is protected with the money collected.
i agree on the sharks finning thing. terrible ... and so cruel. i've already pledged to blacklist sharks fin =)
haha :) no sharks fin for your wedding and mine! :P
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