There are many different types of people in life and there’s no correct way to say that these are the right people. Humans are unique and like different things. This is what makes them special. It’s 100% normal to disagree with who the people are surrounded by when you think that it is the wrong group. People often have their own thoughts and the correct thought is the caring thought.
How do you re-assess yourself and find out which people are the right people you should be hanging out with?
Find out your weaknesses and try to find the people that can help you fix those weaknesses. There are many types that I will list here. These people will all help you. Maybe in different ways for each but without a doubt, they can help you and will help you. I know they will help me definitely.
1. Loyal People. These people are loyal to you. They appreciate what you have done and they come back to you for more of your wisdom.
2. The Hard Working People. These people just flat out hustle and work hard. You need these types of people if you want to be successful. They just go out and get the job done. You have to be careful with these people though, do not “use” them. Join venture with them and finish tasks.
3. The intelligent people. These people are crucial to success. Surround yourself with these and use their wisdom to guide you though tough times.
4. Successful people. These people have done or are doing what you are trying to accomplish. These people have lots of wisdom and can mentor you. I know many bloggers who are helping me on this blog and i’m very appreciative for it.
Finding the correct team to form will help you finish your task more efficiently. It is not to say you can’t have fun with these people but when it comes down to work, work first then play.
Do I need to scrape everything I have now?
After I tell them about surrounding themselves with the correct people, they ask, “Do I have to ditch all of my friends now?”
Of course not! True friends are very important but a complete team of working individuals are important also. You have to find the correct balance and make sure that both of the two groups are getting the best of you.
I have a friend where I can put into both categories. A work friend and a close “insider” friend. Recently, another friend of mine who is also inside my “inside circle” gave me a heads up that one of the “inside circle” friends is getting too over himself and I just assessed the situation. The friend who was getting too over himself was a very intelligent friend. He can think of ideas fast and can contribute to projects that require intelligence to succeed readily. He was great before he got too over himself. After careful assessment of what he was doing positively verses what he was doing negatively, I knew that one of my friend was indeed getting too over himself so now we are slowly trying to push him away so we can go back to working well. We do not need negatively as that drags us down.
The only type of people that you don’t need to surround yourself with are negative people. They are people that drag you down instead of your goal up. Friends or work people with a common goal upwards reach success faster than people who don’t do that kind of activity.
I’ll repeat once again, this is not to say to remove all of your peer level friends. This topic is strictly teaching people to focus on true friendship and other people with a common goal.
* Not good advice: “Stop being around xxxx people.”
* Good advice: “Start being around xxx people who are working towards your goal.”
This can be applied to many situations. Your business, work with people like you who want to be promoted or work with people like you who has a great idea that will be a hit later but just can’t produce because of the wrong group of skillset.
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