I remember the long hours I would work when I was in corporate Singapore to obtain nice things and live a "successful life." The challenge in all ofthis was my reality of arriving at work when the sun was coming up and leavingright before or simultaneously as the sun was going down. I was like a welloiled machine programmed to operate in a system of revolving situations thatwere beneficial to my corporate powers that be and detrimental to my internalwell-being. I often wondered what the point of all of my hard work was...Did Iwork for money? Did I work to acquire things? Did I work because it waspurpose? or...Did I work because that is what a college educated Singaporeis suppose to do?
I pondered these questions often realizing more and more with each passingday that I was working for things I couldn't enjoy because I was too busy.There is nothing wrong with having nice things and working to provide, but whenthe process has more value than the product something is wrong. Simply put whenworking to provide becomes your life instead of supports your life, there isdefinitely something off balance.
I was living to work instead of working to live. This is a predicament thatmany of us find ourselves in. We work so hard to provide for our families thatwe rarely get to spend time with them. The process has become more importantthan the product. What is the product?
The product that is the end result from the process of working hard shouldbe a more enjoyable life. It should consist of more time with the family, moreenjoyment for those you love and more time for the things you are passionateabout. Too often, this is not the case.
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