Saturday, February 27, 2010

Getting Kilda by Tram

Melbourne, Australia

When I arrived in Melbourne, I found it incredibly disturbing to be sharing the same road with those metal thundering beasts known as trams, and find it a miracle I never parked the hire car into one if I hired one. To avoid such unhappy marriages they have a special maneuver called a 'hook turn'. Completely contradicting all driving logic

So I was far happier to appreciate the trams on foot and as a passenger. Melbourne transport is integrated, so a day ticket allowed me to travel any bus, tram or train within the central zones. I took a tram today down to St Kilda, Melbourne's seaside resort. It was a pleasant sunny day, although a blustery cold wind was whipping off the sea as I walked the beachfront and passed Luna Park, a delightful 50's-style theme park complete with rickety rollercoaster.

As I walking along the beach, someone actually approached me kite surfing. At first I was not so sure and keen to take it up but then since I’m here with my bermuda pants and rush-guard so might as well. My initial plan was just swimming

Kite surfing or kiteboarding is a surface water sport that uses the wind to pull a rider through the water on a small surfboard or a kiteboard (similar to a wakeboard). It’s different concept between the real surfing and kitesurfing. Generally kiteboarding refers to a style of riding known as freestyle or wake-style, whereas kitesurfing is more "wave-riding" oriented.

For 75 Australia dollars, you simply get yourself an instructor to teach you how to surf. Approx 20-30min then you can enjoy kitesurfing on your own for 2 hours. Believe me it’s not hard and it’s not that easy to control your kite as well and the water is freaking cold!!

That evening I met Clarkson, a friend that I met along the way after work and we went for a drink with his other second cousin, Sarah, who was studying Art. Cue many obvious gags about Art Festivals,
Art Galleries and so on. She was a highly switched-on girl and the conversation turned to talk of the interpretation and meaning of Art. In a lighter moment, Sarah told me I was a dead ringer for her ex-flat mate.

I kept with the routine of meeting up with Clarkson after he'd finished feigning work the next day. Every time he would ask me what joyous things, I had been up to. Every time I would sheepishly tell him "nothing". Many hours today were spent writing my scrawling.

This travel log really is a labor of love at times - I had all but abandoned work on it when I reached here 2 days ago - but I was clawing my way back.


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